US Debt Clock:
the truth they won’t tell you

You are living in a
Twilight Zone

The US Debt Crisis
is not just about
numbers on a screen.

The Federal Reserve has created the largest Ponzi scheme in human history, and the entire system is designed to keep YOU in the dark.

This isn’t just a matter of inflation or economic downturns.

It’s a rigged system that serves the elites while pushing us closer to financial Armageddon.

What they don’t tell you is that every single dollar is created from debt.

Every time the government borrows more, they print more money, devaluing every dollar in your pocket.

But here’s the kicker—there is no real value behind those dollars anymore.

The entire system is built on smoke and mirrors, and when it collapses, it will be unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.

The Federal Reserve has flooded the market with more dollars in the last few years than in the entire history of the United States.

This isn’t just unsustainable—it’s a ticking time bomb.

Why won’t they admit it?

Because once the truth comes out, the entire system crumbles, and the elites at the top lose their grip on power.

You can feel it, can’t you?

The world doesn’t make sense anymore.

Every day, prices go up, wages stagnate, and the national debt spins out of control.

Yet, we’re told to believe everything is fine.

This is the ultimate scam, where financial elites control everything from behind the scenes, creating money out of thin air while robbing the American people blind.

The government has been printing TRILLIONS of dollars with no real value, and every time they do, they rob you of your hard-earned money.

We’re being led to the slaughter, but no one wants to admit it.

Executive Order 13818: A Weapon Against the Elites

But there is hope.

Executive Order 13818, signed by President Trump, holds the power to expose the corruption at the heart of this financial system.

This order allows the government to seize assets from those involved in corruption and human rights abuses.

Some believe this is the key to finally taking down the financial elites responsible for this Ponzi scheme.

123% Debt-to-Income Ratio:

The Government’s Dirty Secret

The U.S. government’s
Debt-to-Income (DTI) ratio
sits at 123%!

Think about that.

For every dollar the government makes, it owes MORE than that in debt.

This is a financial house of cards, and it’s only a matter of time before it collapses.

The clock is ticking.

Every 100 days,
the national debt grows by $1 trillion.

The system is broken, and no one in power wants to fix it because they’re too busy profiting from it.

The endgame is fast approaching, but they won’t tell you.

They’ll keep you distracted while they milk the system dry.

What Can Be Done?

There’s only one solution: a full audit of the federal government and the Federal Reserve.

Without this, we’re barrelling toward a financial disaster that will wipe out everything we’ve worked for.

But don’t lose hope.

Trump and Musk are leading the charge, exposing corruption, and pushing for a full restructuring of the government.

The solution is within our grasp.

But you need to wake up and demand change.

Now is the time to act before it’s too late.

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The Creature
from Jekyll Island

G. Edward Griffin

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On Thurs. 17 Oct. 2024
the privately owned by Cabal Bankers,
British Crown and Vatican US Inc. Corp
fiscal year ended, was not further funded
by the US Congress for the next fiscal year
and thus that
fiat Global Monetary System
has been forever closed.

On that same Thursday

The gold-backed Chinese Yen replaced the fiat US Dollar to determine the price of oil on the Forex for international trade and all banks closed worldwide that were not Basel III Compliant (monies insured by gold backed currency).

Also on that same Thurs. 17 Oct,

The Quantum Financial System Global Currency Reset activated with at least 144 countries currencies being gold/asset-backed and trading at a 1:1 with each other; NESARA/ GESARA also activated across the World to refund Cabal stolen monies to The People, plus the new United States of America Republic started its new fiscal year under a gold-backed US Note.

Sometime between Tues. 22 Oct. to Thurs. 24 Oct.
during the BRICS Summit in Russia, they were
expected to announce that Global Currency Reset.

And, sometime between Thurs. 24 Oct. and Sun. 27 Oct.
seven “Trumpets” or text messages of instructions
will be broadcast to all cell phones across the Globe
that will warn the World population of upcoming
Mass Arrests and Ten Days of Communication Darkness.

Don’t worry about the so-called warnings of a nuclear World War III.

War was threatened as a distraction in order
for the Global Currency Reset (GCR) to be set in place.

Long ago all 209 nations wanting to participate in the GCR signed an agreement that they would not be at war if they wanted to be a part of the new Global Gold/asset-backed Financial System.

The Global Military Alliance of those nations has positioned themselves across the planet in preparation for Mass Arrests of Global Elites who have committed Crimes Against Humanity.

To ensure the utmost security for all involved during ten days of mass arrests, we will be asked to hunker down in our homes, or a place where we feel safe.

We are urged to stock up on food, water, cash and essential items in preparation.

The text messages will be followed by an Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) alert to prepare for ten days of Communication Darkness.

During those ten days the Internet and ATMs will not work.

Our personal phones will only be available for 911 calls,
though a Military encrypted Signal App will be available
in order for us to use our phones.

The Mass Media will be taken down
and eight hour-long documentary videos
will be played 24/7 to inform us of
who, what, where, why and
how of the mass arrests.

After the ten days we will be connected to a new and secure Quantum Internet system; currencies of nations participating in the Global Currency Reset will by then be gold/asset-backed and trading at a 1:1 with each other, while the old corrupt systems of Government, Education, Finance, Health, Trade and commerce across the globe will be dismantled, then replaced for the good of the common people.

The time is now to alert as many who will listen.

Please warn those you love even though they may think you’re crazy.

Your goal should be to help others absorb the shock of what is coming.

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‘secret’ images


In a monumental shift towards financial stability, transparency, and decentralization, America is ushering in a new era where the US dollar reclaims its intrinsic value, firmly anchored and backed by the timeless allure of gold and silver within the revolutionary Quantum Financial System (QFS).

This transformative step not only rekindles faith in the nation’s currency but also marks the dissolution of the Federal Reserve, symbolizing a departure from an era marred by corruption, money laundering, and the unchecked proliferation of paper money.

With this bold move, America paves the way for a future where integrity, character, and fiscal responsibility become the cornerstones of its economic landscape, ensuring that the lessons of history are heeded, and the foundation for enduring financial prosperity is laid.

In a world where the financial landscape is constantly evolving, America’s decision to embrace the Quantum Financial System (QFS) and tie its currency to the enduring value of gold and silver is nothing short of monumental.

This pivotal shift signifies a return to the fundamental principles that underpin a stable economy – stability, transparency, and decentralization.

By anchoring the US dollar to tangible assets, the nation not only reaffirms its commitment to financial stability but also signifies a resounding departure from the era of the Federal Reserve, a period tainted by financial misconduct and unchecked fiat money creation.

This transition represents a rekindling of trust in the US dollar, as it transforms from a mere piece of paper into a symbol of enduring worth.

As the QFS takes center stage, the financial system becomes more transparent, and the potential for corruption diminishes significantly.

This shift heralds a new dawn, where the nation’s economic landscape is built on a foundation of integrity and character.

It is a bold step that not only learns from the lessons of history but also ensures that future generations are equipped with the tools needed for lasting financial prosperity.

In this new era, fiscal responsibility becomes more than just a catchphrase; it becomes the cornerstone of economic policy.

The emphasis on tangible assets like gold and silver adds depth and substance to the currency, reinforcing its intrinsic value.

As the Federal Reserve has been dissolved, the unchecked proliferation of paper money comes to an end, and the financial system gains a new level of accountability.

With this transformation, America sets an example for the world, showing that a commitment to transparency, integrity, and decentralization can pave the way for a more prosperous and stable financial future, where the currency reflects the nation’s character and the values it holds dear.

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Debt clock images October 2024

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October 21 – 2024

October 19 – 2024

October 17 – 2024

October 15 – 2024

October 13 – 2024

October 11 – 2024

October 09 – 2024

October 08 – 2024

October 07 – 2024

October 02 – 2024

Debt clock images September 2024

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September 24 – 2024

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September 15 – 2024

September 12 – 2024

September 10 – 2024

September 9 – 2024

September 7 – 2024

September 5 – 2024

September 2 – 2024

September 1 – 2024

Debt clock images August 2024

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August 30 – 2024

August 28 – 2024

August 26 – 2024

August 25 – 2024

August 22 – 2024

August 21 – 2024

August 19 – 2024

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August 09 – 2024

August 08 – 2024

August 07 – 2024

August 06 – 2024

August 05 – 2024

Debt clock images July 2024

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July 31 – 2024

July 28 – 2024

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Debt clock images June 2024

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June 02-2024

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May 29-2024

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May 13-2024

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May 05-2024

May 01-2024

Debt clock images April 2024

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April 28 – 2024

April 24 – 2024

April 22 – 2024

April 18 – 2024

April 15 – 2024

April 14 – 2024

April 10 – 2024


On march 23, 1775,

Patrick Henry signalled the coming revolution
when he spoke at a Virginia convention
and allegedly implored:
“give me liberty, or give me death!”

Henry’s speech on that day served to finalize support in Virginia to oppose any British military intervention in that colony; but what remains unknown is what henry actually said in his speech.

Relations between the colonists and the government back in great Britain had steadily deteriorated over the decade since the stamp act was passed in 1765.

Violence related to the tea act and the Boston tea party in 1773 led to the imposition of the coercive or intolerable acts a year later.

On September 5, 1774, the first congress in the united states met in Philadelphia to consider its reaction to the British government’s restraints on trade and representative government after the Boston Tea Party raid.

In all, 56 delegates from 12 colonies came to Philadelphia including John Adams, his cousin Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Roger Sherman, John Jay, John Dickinson, Richard Henry Lee, and George Washington.

During their session in Philadelphia, which ended after about seven weeks of debates, the group agreed to a boycott of British goods within the colonies as a sign of protest, spelled out in the continental association.

The association also called for an end of exports to great Britain in the following year if the intolerable acts weren’t repealed.

What isn’t known is what henry exactly said at the meeting’s end.

Years later, biographer William Wirt in 1817 reconstructed the speech based on the recollections of Thomas Jefferson and others.

Wirt’s account ends with the famous lines, “is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?

Forbid it, almighty god!

I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”


April 07 – 2024

April 04 – 2024

April 01 – 2024

Debt clock images March 2024

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March 25 – 2024

March 20 – 2024

March 18 – 2024

March 14 2024

March 13 – 2024

March 10 – 2024

March 06 – 2024

March 03 – 2024

Debt clock images February 2024

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February 28 – 2024

February 25 – 2024

February 21 – 2024

February 18 – 2024

February 17 – 2024

February 14 – 2024

February 11 – 2024

February 06 – 2024

February 05 – 2024

February 01 – 2024

Input the main text content for your module here.

pt;”>Jan 31 – 2024

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Jan 25 – 2024

Jan 23 – 2024

Jan 21 – 2024

Jan 18 – 2024

Jan 16 – 2024

Jan 14 – 2024

Jan 11 – 2024

Jan 7 – 2024

Jesus at the Temple

Jesus entered the temple courts and
drove out all who were buying and selling there.

He overturned the tables of the money changers
and the benches of those selling doves.

“It is written,” he said to them,
“My house will be called a house of prayer,
but you are making it a den of robbers.’

Jan 5 – 2024

Jan 3 – 2024

Jan 1 – 2024

Debt clock images January 2024

-0-0-0- January 2024 -0-0-0-

Jan 31 – 2024

Jan 30 – 2024

Jan 28 – 2024

Jan 25 – 2024

Jan 23 – 2024

Jan 21 – 2024

Jan 18 – 2024

Jan 16 – 2024

Jan 14 – 2024

Jan 11 – 2024

Jan 7 – 2024

Jesus at the Temple

Jesus entered the temple courts and
drove out all who were buying and selling there.

He overturned the tables of the money changers
and the benches of those selling doves.

“It is written,” he said to them,
“My house will be called a house of prayer,
but you are making it a den of robbers.’

Jan 5 – 2024

Jan 3 – 2024

Jan 1 – 2024

Debt clock images October-December 2023

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Dec 29 – 2023

Dec 26 – 2023

Dec 21 – 2023

Dec 20 – 2023

Dec 19 – 2023

Dec 18 – 2023

Dec 17 – 2024

Dec 14 – 2023

Dec 12 – 2023

Dec 10 – 2023

Dec 7 – 2023

Dec 6 – 2023

Dec 5 – 2023

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Nov 20 – 2023

Nov 9 – 2023

Nov 2 – 2023

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Oct 31 – 2023

Oct 29 – 2023

Oct 19 – 2023

Oct 17 – 2023

October 08-2023

-0-0- USA Debt Clock – WEBSITE – 0-0-


I come at this time,
in this opportune time,
these Times
that are approaching now.

You have heard of the coming Great Announcements.

You have heard of many great changes that are coming to Planet Earth, of the many seemingly positive changes.

But before the positive Changes come, there must first be those things that bring the Great Awakening forward – the falling of the present political establishment with its unjust and incorrect Laws, and Rules –
all of that is coming down.

See that happening, because that is what is happening now.

Even though it does not appear to be so, it is.

Everything is coming together exactly as it needs to, and you are in that cusp right now with the Great Awakening that is occurring across the Planet.

And not only across the Planet,
but the Solar System and your Galaxy.

All is coming together and all is happening in the moment now.

Even now, the Great Awakening is proceeding forward.

The fall of the present social establishment as you have come to know it.

It cannot, and could not, and will not continue as it has.

It is not possible.

For life to continue here on this Planet,
you must all come into this Awakening Process.

All across the Planet
must come into this Awakening.

And that is what the
Three Waves of Ascension are all about
… it is to allow for this Awakening to happen
as more and more people
become ready and prepared for it.

Each and every one of you that resonate to my words, you have been preparing for it, and as I have said many times, through acclimatising yourselves and your bodies to these powerful incoming Celestial Energies
of transformation

And as these Great Waves of Celestial Energies continue to come in, they become more and more forceful.

That is what is creating the chaos
that is happening across the Planet.

As these Energies become stronger and stronger, it is bringing the Awakening to those that have been asleep for so long.

And those Dark Ones that have been attempting to hold onto their control are doing everything that they can now more and more to hold on to that control.

They are pulling out all the stops, you might say, everything they can, to follow their dark Plan that they have had up till now.

But, they can no longer do it, even though they attempt to hold on and attempt to do these various things that have worked for them in the past.

Those efforts are no longer working, and cannot work.

Your Awakening
can no longer be stopped.

And you are approaching that Time Period we have been preparing you for so long.

In every one of your various meditations, you have been preparing for the Grand Event,
the Great Event, THE EVENT, the Solar Flash.

You have been preparing for this, so that when it happens, you are ready for it.

And then you can indeed turn around and assist those that may not understand what is going on when they see this great flash in the sky.