Operation Castle Rock:
The dawn of the
Great Awakening


Operation Castle Rock
is set to ignite the final phase
of the Great Awakening.

This includes the activation of Project Odin and Quantum Systems, alongside Operation Omicron Variant—a top-secret military operation targeting the CCP, pedophiles, and traitors, while rescuing innocent children from their evil clutches.

Castle Rock marks the return to 1776 principles, reversing the 1871 Act of England and the Balfour Declaration.

This means a return to 1950s prices, the elimination of all taxes paid under false pretenses, and compensation for the exploitation of birth certificates.

Med Bed treatments will be freely available to reverse vaccine damage.

This event will also expose the corruption of the Biden Administration and activate militaries worldwide, including the US Military, to overturn the fraudulent 2020 Election results and restore Trump to his rightful position as President.

The FISA Military Courts are ready to flip the 2020 Election, conducting Military Tribunals with confessions and a ten-day release of documentaries exposing the Deep State Cabal and Globalist corruption.

As part of this operation, the world will witness grounded planes and trains, power grids switching to Tesla Free Energy, and the destruction of Satanic symbols across the globe.

This includes the bombing of 34 Satanic buildings and dams housing nuclear plants, such as the Chinese Three Gorges Dam—a hub for CCP bioweapon labs and their child trafficking, organ harvesting, and drug running rings.

The World War III Scare Event is necessary to implement Global Martial Law, with nuke sirens, a Water Event, stock market crashes, and the shutdown of Bitcoin servers, wiping out 99.5% of crypto, especially China Coins.

A Fake World War III Scenario will be used as a smokescreen while militaries worldwide take down the Deep State.

Police and courts will enforce 1776 Constitutional Law, as the Quantum Systems bring NESARA/GESARA into effect.

This includes the Global Currency Reset, restoring stolen wealth to the people and ensuring all corrupt judges, police, and lawyers are arrested or retrained in 1776 law.

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) will stabilize the world’s economy with a Digital Gold-Backed Currency.

The end of fiat currencies will usher in a new era of financial stability, where all nations stand on equal ground.

The time to awaken is now. Castle Rock is our moment of triumph.

Prepare for the storm.

The Event:
on an ordinary day

On an ordinary day,  …

the world will be turned upside down, on an ordinary day which people would go about their business the clouds will fall from the sky and it will rain fire, on an ordinary day when the people have their eyes fixed to the ground the sky will open and the impossible will begin to unfold.

The divine announcement of thousands of years will be announced and nothing will be the same in the evening as it was in the morning.

On an ordinary day … in space-time, the forces of Light will come out and will be made visible to all who see and audible to all who hear.

This will be the reality to those who are already vibrationally open.

On an ordinary day … the media will still spread lies, the financial mob and politicians will twist it all. You will hear a Heavenly sound that will put an end to all the chaos.

On an ordinary day … it will come so fast even those that are prepared will freeze.

On an ordinary day … the World change will happen and all the underground facilities and safe guards put in place to save the Elite will not be reached.

On an ordinary day … the Earth will be covered in silence and the people of Inner Earth will take over for a short period of time until the enlightened, inter-dimensional beings of space appear. A holographic, blissful reality will begin.

On an ordinary day, the Worlds will split in two, never seen by a human or experienced by any living being on Earth.

On an ordinary day … the birds will fall from the sky and mountain chains that have never been seen before will begin to appear from the oceans.

On an ordinary day … the Guardians of Earth and the Masters of many worlds, angels, archangels of creation will show in the sky. Many people will be suspicious because many will not be able to distinguish between the Light from the shadow realms.

On an ordinary day … the veil between the Worlds will be lifted and everyone will find themselves exactly where they chose to be. Time will be bent and discarded until the timeless being is achieved.

On an ordinary day … all TV stations will be reporting on this Event.

The Airwaves will be taken over by the Light and deceptive agendas will be squashed and the lies of the rulers will be told and in that moment the chaff will be separated from the wheat.

On an ordinary day … the unprepared, the ones who resisted will be frozen in fear pleading for help to understand this Event, this is why many of you are here.

You are the ones who chose to step forward with the Guardians of the Worlds.

On an ordinary day … everything will end which you knew so far, and for those whom neither trust nor serve the Light, everything will remain the same.

Those who are just mindless slaves to the Dark forces will continue the reality of slow dying.

Meaning, they will remain and continue to live in a 3D vibration.

On an ordinary day … you who are ready shall Ascend and be expected by Heaven.

Many of you will go through a rebirth, resurrection will be accomplished for you who have voted for the Light.

It is time for us to become the masters in our own house.

From Aurora Ray


Nothing can stop what’s coming

Trump’s Imminent Return Sparks Global Military Activation, Martial Law, and a Worldwide Blackout as Forces Mobilize on the Frontlines of the Ultimate Global Operation!

We are on the edge of an unprecedented shift. Trump’s return is not just a political event; it’s the trigger for the complete breakdown of the Cabal’s global control. This is a centuries-old system of manipulation, and the Global Military Alliance has been waiting for this moment to strike.

October 20, 2024
a night the world will never forget.

Martial law will roll out worldwide, and with it, a blackout like nothing we’ve seen before. Lights out, no communication, no news.

The Cabal’s fortress of power will crumble, and in that darkness, the military will move like clockwork, sweeping through cities, arresting the elites who’ve bled the world dry.

The military is not here for crowd control.

They’ve been staged for weeks, waiting to execute mass arrests of traitors—politicians, CEOs, and tech moguls who thought they were untouchable.

Pelosi, Schiff, Soros—they’re all on the list.

This is the storm we’ve been waiting for!

When the blackout hits, the Emergency Broadcast System will light up, broadcasting the truth that’s been hidden for decades.

For three to ten days, the world will be forced to confront the real horrors—human trafficking, shadow deals, and the sinister forces pulling the strings behind every crisis.

The Alliance will act globally, sweeping through every major city, taking down the Cabal’s network.

This is a worldwide effort—Europe, Asia, the U.S.—nowhere will be safe for these tyrants.

Billionaires and politicians will be dragged into the light.

Their wealth frozen, their private jets grounded, their bunkers breached.

Trump’s return isn’t symbolic.

He will oversee the creation of a new system—the Quantum Financial System (QFS)—backed by real assets like gold and silver.

No more currency manipulation,
no more debt slavery.

Every transaction will be traceable, and the elites will lose their ability to control economies.

The Quantum Voting System will secure elections forever.

No more fraud—votes will be counted instantly, transparently.

It’s the end of rigged elections, and the start of true governance. Governments will be stripped down, lean, and accountable to the people.

Med Beds will finally be released.

These aren’t just healing machines—they’ll reverse aging, heal injuries, and cure diseases the elites have kept us dying from. Military forces will guard these centers, ensuring no one can stop this revolution in healthcare.

As Trump dismantles the CIA, Mossad, and other corrupt agencies, a new era of transparency will begin.

The Internet, reborn under Star Link, will be free from censorship, a platform for truth.

This is it—the ultimate battle between good and evil is upon us.

Victory is within reach.

Brace for the blackout, the arrests, and the storm that will change everything.

The Cabal’s time is up.

Nothing can stop what’s coming.

Elite’s Great Reset Agenda:
5G Surveillance, Vaccine ‘Death Shots,’
and the Ultimate Takeover.


The world is moving rapidly toward a reality far more dystopian than anything Aldous Huxley or George Orwell imagined.

The Elite’s agenda for total domination is unfolding before our eyes, yet the majority remain oblivious, lulled into complacency by relentless propaganda.

The tools of this takeover are insidious, designed to control, enslave, and ultimately reduce the human population.

The Arsenal of Control

The Elite are deploying a sophisticated array of tools to execute their plan. Wars, genocides, and economic destabilization are used with calculated precision, targeting regions to weaken and control survivors.

However, the true horror lies in the covert operations disguised as benevolent innovations.

The Covid-19 vaccine, termed a “death shot,” is viewed not as a health solution but as a weapon aimed at population reduction.

5G technology, far from being a simple communications upgrade, is a crucial component of the Elite’s control grid, enabling mass surveillance and behavior manipulation.

Geoengineering further destabilizes regions, driving survivors into Smart Cities—high-tech prisons where freedom is a distant memory.

Smart Cities: The New Age Prisons

The Elite’s ultimate goal is not merely population control but the complete enslavement of humanity.

Survivors of their engineered crises will be herded into Smart Cities, where 5G towers and surveillance technologies will monitor their every move.

Freedom will be reduced to a 5-kilometer radius, and every aspect of life will be dictated by a social credit score tied to digital identities.

Traditional currencies will be replaced by Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), programmable money that controls what you can buy, where you can go, and how much you can spend.

This will turn the survivors into obedient drones, their lives controlled down to the minutest detail.

Food Control: The Ultimate Weapon

The most basic human need—food—is also being weaponized.

As Henry Kissinger once said, “Who controls the food supply controls the people.”

The Elite are systematically dismantling the global food system, driving small farmers off their land, and replacing natural farming with a corporate, synthetic nightmare.

The food that will be available to the masses will be genetically altered and toxic, while the Elite continue to enjoy organic, high-quality sustenance.

Total Surveillance: The All-Seeing Eye

Privacy is now a relic of the past.

In this new reality, a dense network of facial recognition cameras, AI-driven algorithms, and electromagnetic weapons will monitor, record, and control every human action.

Those who dare to resist or think independently will be swiftly neutralized by transhuman enforcers.

Strategic Resistance: The Path Forward

Despite the complexity of the Elite’s program, resistance is not futile. Strategic, focused resistance offers hope.

Rejecting digital identities, avoiding Smart Cities, and reclaiming control over the food supply are critical.

It’s essential to refuse the “death shot” and disengage from the 5G surveillance grid.

Resources like “We Are Human, We Are Free” provide practical steps for resistance, urging individuals to take action now.

Conclusion: The Time to Act is Now

Huxley and Orwell warned us, but humanity failed to heed those warnings. We stand on the brink of a technocratic nightmare, yet it’s not too late.

The Elite’s program can be stopped, but only if we act immediately.

The window of opportunity is closing, and the future of humanity depends on our willingness to resist.

The time for complacency is over
the time for action is now.

Trojan Horse

CHEYENNE Mountain,
Military Intelligence,
Deep State,
Military Coups,
International Money Laundering

McAfee Software has emerged as a Trojan Horse, penetrating the heart of government institutions, elites, and military networks worldwide.

Beneath the surface lies an intricate web of corruption, human trafficking, planned military coups, and international money laundering.

What was once a tool for cybersecurity has become a key to unlocking the darkest secrets of the Deep State.

The McAfee Data, now securely held by the United States Space Force, exposes a labyrinth of deception involving the Democratic National Committee, CIA, and the shadowy Deep State.

Brace yourself, because this revelation is set to upend the entire global power structure.

Epstein’s secrets, Hunter Biden’s laptop, and Julian Assange’s mystery are just the tip of the iceberg.

McAfee Software was never just about protecting systems.

Hidden within its code, it was gathering critical information, revealing the sinister moves of the world’s most powerful figures.

What they never saw coming was McAfee’s real mission—to expose the global elite’s darkest dealings.

The revelations of human trafficking and secret agendas tied to the DNC, CIA, and Deep State are nothing short of explosive.

The United States Space Force, particularly Cheyenne Mountain, now safeguards this data, becoming an unlikely keeper of the truth.

The shocking extent of global political intrigue is coming to light.

Congress is preparing for the storm, as McAfee’s digital treasure trove contains details that could rock the foundations of global power.

Epstein’s web of corruption, the Biden laptop secrets, and Assange’s truth-telling efforts will no longer be hidden.

The Alliance’s Bold Infiltration.

McAfee played both sides, gaining the trust of the Deep State while secretly infiltrating their networks.

32 terabytes of evidence now sit in the hands of Military Intelligence, exposing everything from human trafficking to cryptocurrency-funded operations.

This is no ordinary takedown — it’s a dismantling of the very systems that have controlled the world for decades.

As leaks drip out, Trump, Musk, and even the Supreme Court are at the center of this unravelling conspiracy.

The Deep State’s grip is slipping, and their desperate attempts to suppress these truths are failing.

The Alliance’s military operations are unrelenting, the truth cannot be stopped.

McAfee’s Trojan Horse was the weapon the Deep State never expected, and now, everything is collapsing.

The Deep State’s operations—human trafficking, military coups, and financial manipulations—are crumbling as the military’s evidence is leaked to the public.


Trust the Plan.

John McAfee turned the tables on the Deep State, risking his life to reveal their corruption.

With every leak, the world moves closer to justice, as the Alliance’s strategic plan dismantles the empire of deceit.


“You have more than you know -Q.”

The end of the Deep State is near,
and the light of truth is unstoppable.

The Plan is unfolding.

Trust the Alliance.

Trust the Patriots.

Victory is ours.

The Rothschilds’
Ultimate Power Grab:

AI Surveillance,
Synthetic Food,
Artificial Wombs
Their Weaponized Health Crises
to Enslave and Control Humanity!

We are living in a world controlled by a shadowy elite, manipulating every event, policy, and crisis to enslave us all.

These puppet masters, hiding behind deceit and engineered chaos, are orchestrating a totalitarian takeover.

If you haven’t seen it yet, you’re exactly where they want you: distracted, obedient, and under their control.

It’s time to wake up.

A global conspiracy is unfolding,
and we are the targets.

The most blatant front of this war? Big Pharma.

It’s not just about profits.

It’s a weapon, wielded to keep you in a state of fear and submission.

Behind the scenes at gatherings like the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, the Rothschilds plot the next steps in this grand scheme.

These elites aren’t interested in public health—they’re engineers of chaos, pushing pandemics and vaccines as steps toward a much darker agenda: total bio-digital control of humanity.

This is no conspiracy theory—it’s happening in plain sight.

New vaccine technologies are being developed that don’t just target your immune system—they’re designed to alter your very DNA.

Embedded with nanotechnology, these vaccines are creating a biological operating system within you, one that can be updated or shut down at will.

This is the ultimate tool for control, allowing these elites to monitor and even neutralize anyone who dares to resist.

But it gets worse.

These technologies are sold to the public as advancements for fighting diseases like cancer. Yet, the truth is, their purpose is to hack your body and mind.

Once these systems are in place, you will no longer be in control of your biological functions.

The elites will decide your fate, dictating who lives, who dies, and who remains in a state of perpetual compliance.

Tony Blair, the Rothschilds’ obedient servant, is leading the charge. His obsession with digital IDs is about more than modernization.

He wants a global biometric database that links your identity to everything—from your health records to your financial transactions to your social behavior.

This is about building a global surveillance state where your every action is tracked, and freedom becomes a distant memory.

And Blair isn’t stopping there.

Leaked documents reveal his role in plans to merge AI-driven “predictive policing” with these digital IDs.

This dystopian system will judge you not only for what you’ve done but for what you might do, based on your online activity, spending, and even your genetics.

Step out of line, and you’ll find your digital ID restricted, your accounts frozen, and your life under siege.

Next, brace yourself for the most chilling phase: artificial wombs.

The elites are pouring billions into synthetic biology, aiming to phase out natural birth.

Imagine a world where every child is born in a lab, engineered to serve the elite’s agenda.

Natural birth will be outlawed, and the human race will be reduced to a controlled, programmable workforce.

But it doesn’t stop at reproduction.

They’re coming for your food too.

The Rothschilds are working to monopolize the food supply, replacing traditional farming with synthetic, lab-grown alternatives.

Real food will become a luxury for the elites, while the rest of us are fed nutrient sludge under the guise of sustainability.

Every vaccine, every digital ID, every “smart” device is a brick in the wall of their digital prison.

The elites are moving forward rapidly, confident that most will remain distracted, divided, or docile.

The time to resist is now.

The Rothschilds have declared war on humanity, and they won’t stop until they’ve re-engineered every aspect of life to serve their desires.

Will you stand up and fight before it’s too late?

The hour is now,
the stakes couldn’t be higher.

click image for video

Richard Vobes
interview video
A new beginning
for our world

I talk to Thomas Williams,
the author of
‘A New Blueprint for Humanity’
about his concept of starting afresh
with a common sense approach
to living on this planet.


  Home of Thomas Williams

New Blueprint for Humanity

will be announced to the world


What they are basically saying is that NESARA will be announced to the world, which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.

Then after that, there will be an emergency broadcast system circulating globally, where they will literally be showing documentaries of everything that has happened to wake up the masses.

But, to do that, there will be a message on EBS saying that sometime in the next 5 hours or so, everyone needs to be home and a global lockdown will begin for 10 to 12 days.

During that lockdown it will be broadcast on every station and there will be documentaries to provide full disclosure for everyone to see everything that has been happening.

So at the end of the 12 days, apparently there will be an 800 number that we will then have to call and then from that point we will be given our quantum appointment with confirmed date and time to go to. (Here it refers to VR).

Other things were also announced.

– Apparently we already GLOBALLY ALL have a sum of money in our quantum account and the reason why there hasn’t been much information coming from the QFS team in these last few weeks, is because some important things were happening.

One of the things is about about 75 banks that were said to have been seized and all assets and accounts closed and all of these were Cabal accounts.

These assets have then been taken and moved to the quantum financial accounts to be returned to the people.

And also all trust funds were moved to the QFS account. So, that’s already moved, which is awesome!

In fact, over time, money will no longer be a problem. Money literally just won’t be important because everyone will have enough to live an abundant life.

So try to progress instead of being held back for so long.

This is incredible news and it is what we have been waiting for.

They also confirmed that all the central banks have been taken and entered into the QFS, so they are all on the ISO 20022 standard and the other thing to remember is that this is blockchain and nothing fraudulent can happen because everything is traceable.

Any money that is sent they can see where it goes.

Stops corruption in its tracks.

There’s nothing about moving money behind doors or, you know, banks in the middle of nowhere abroad and stuff like that.

None of that can happen anymore.

All money is traceable and remember this is on a computer that is from Out of This World… it’s next level stuff.

Now we are in the final steps. Then the stock market will crash because when it does, it will be the end of it.

Oh, another thing is that all the personal bank accounts, everything is reflected in the quantum financial account, so we have nothing to worry about.

The only thing that is not reflected are the investments and shares on the Stock Market. All that is gone! …so if you have an investment in the Stock Market, take it out… and then the NEW STOCK will be launched when the QFS indicates that it can operate.

So all our bank accounts, savings accounts and retirement accounts are safe.

This is great news and exciting times lie ahead.

IRS and Federal Reserve
caught red-handed in massive
economic enslavement scam!


In the hidden corridors of what we call our government lies a deception of epic proportions—the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

This agency, falsely portrayed as a legitimate branch of the government, is in fact a tool wielded by the global elite to further their control, expand their wealth, and tighten their grip on the average citizen.

The IRS is often seen as a cornerstone of the U.S. Government, but in reality, it is a critical cog in a well-oiled machine of oppression.

Historical evidence reveals a dark truth that whistleblowers like William Cooper have risked, and even lost, their lives to expose.

Cooper revealed the IRS for what it truly is: a fraudulent institution designed to drain the wealth of the masses and funnel it into the pockets of the elite.

According to Cooper, the federal income tax is a tool of theft, enforced under the guise of legality, when in truth, no law requires most Americans to pay it.

This vast scam was solidified with the secretive creation of a separate Federal Revenue Service in Puerto Rico, a move reeking of legal evasion and dubious intent.

The 16th Amendment, often cited as the constitutional basis for the income tax, is a masterpiece of misdirection.

While it grants Congress the power to levy taxes, it does not mandate that individuals must pay an income tax—a crucial distinction ignored by those in power to deceive the public.

The IRS exploits this ambiguous language to force compliance, using fear as its primary weapon against anyone who dares to question or resist.

What’s even more alarming is the depth of the conspiracy involving the IRS.

Buried within the tax code and enforced by the IRS are mechanisms deliberately designed to impoverish the middle class and widen the wealth gap.

These are not accidental oversights; they are calculated tools of economic warfare meant to keep the rich richer and the average American economically shackled and easier to control.

This system of economic servitude is upheld not just through tax collection but through psychological warfare—audits, penalties, and threats are all part of the IRS’s arsenal.

The agency presents itself as all-powerful and all-knowing, fostering a climate of fear that ensures compliance.

The IRS’s true role extends beyond mere economic control.

It acts as a gatekeeper, maintaining social order and preventing any real economic threats to the elites.

By keeping the population in a state of economic uncertainty and dependency, they suppress the entrepreneurial spirit and innovation that could challenge their dominance.

Amidst this dark reality, the actions of leaders like President Trump, who took on these corrupt establishments, stand out as beacons of hope.

Trump’s presidency marked a direct confrontation with these shadowy figures, with efforts to dismantle the undue influence of the Federal Reserve and bring transparency to the IRS.

His actions were not just political—they were revolutionary, aiming to break the chains that bind the American spirit and wallet.

The fight against the IRS and its masters goes beyond taxes; it’s about reclaiming the American Dream.

It’s about exposing and dismantling a system rigged to benefit the few at the expense of the many.

As we continue to uncover the extent of their deception, we must rally, resist, and rebuild.

The truth is our weapon, and with it, we must cut through the lies that have long enslaved us.

This is a call to awaken from complacency,
to stand united, and to take back
what is rightfully ours before it’s too late.

will go together with
the EAS/EBS…

It is a military unit that supervises
military forces in ground operations.


will go together with the EAS/EBS…

ODIN means:-

During the EBS …

Every major media channel on the planet will be…

The documentaries will be broadcast for 10 days all the channels on the planet will be taken over by the Alliance everything will be revealed political institutions famous religious

The final three days will reveal suppressed extraterrestrial life Patents and the new Earth.

PROJECT ODIN and military GESARA, a monumental combination that promises to overthrow the Cabal’s hold on global power.

Prepare for the most dramatic change in modern history when the Military Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) emerges, signaling a new era of truth, justice and liberation.

The stage is set, the actors are in position, and the world is about to witness a seismic shift that will reshape the course of history.

PROJECT ODIN, a project shrouded in secrecy, is about to be revealed to the world.

But what is PROJECT ODIN and how does it connect to the military GESARA and the long-awaited Emergency Broadcast System (EBS)?

In this article, we delve into the heart of this remarkable transformation, revealing the hidden truths and unveiling the future that awaits us.

PROJECT ODIN: PROJECT ODIN, as cryptically mentioned by Ron CodeMonkeyz, is not just another codename; It is the key to dismantling the Mossad Media satellite network that has been at the center of global manipulation for too long.

This bold mission is not for the faint of heart; is the linchpin of the Quantum Starlink system, a quantum leap in technology that promises to redefine our world.

The new Quantum Systems, part of Quantum Starlink, represent a paradigm shift in technology.

These systems are protected by secret space programs that operate beyond the reach of the Cabal, ensuring their integrity and security.

As the Cabal-controlled media crumbles, these Quantum Systems will emerge as heralds of truth and transparency.

The Cabal’s Last Stand: Q, the enigmatic figure behind many revelations, has predicted the elimination of the Mossad media.

But what comes next is even deeper.

Whiplash has hinted at a major theatrical production, a misleading depiction of World War III, that will actually serve as a catalyst for the activation of military forces around the world.

A Biblical Scenario Revealed: In a twist of fate, this orchestrated chaos will pave the way for the activation of Armed Forces around the world, unleashing a torrent of events that will bring the Cabal to its knees.

The NESARA/GESARA funds will finally see the light of day and the people will be entrusted with the monumental task of rebuilding a long-oppressed world.

Identifying the Illuminati’s Satanic Strongholds – The Kabbalah network stretches far and wide, but Q has given us insight into its most prominent strongholds.

From the Vatican to Buckingham Palace, from the White House to the heart of China, these places hold the keys to the power of the Kabbalah.

As the dominoes fall, 34 satanic buildings and dams will collapse, forever changing the landscape of the world.

The United States in an almost instant military dictatorship… commanded by none other than Joe Biden:

A multitude of events take place:

As the Kabbalah faces its reckoning, a cascade of events will unfold.

The inner standing
of the true meaning
of being born as a
“Spiritual Sovereign Soul” …


The inner standing of the true meaning of being born as a “Spiritual Sovereign Soul” as opposed to being incorporated at birth into “The Evil Corporation System of Enslavement” is the first step to regaining your sovereignty.

To fund their New World Order, they incorporated using our birth certificates by which we became debt slaves in their system for a debt they incurred and will never be paid off.

Their plan was to impose the Covid-19 False Flag Event and then force vaccinate (“Mark Of The Beast”) all of us with the goal of reducing the world population to 500 million from 7.4 billion.

Their goal of a New World Order is not new; it has been planned for thousands of years and has been passed down from generation to generation through the 13 blood line families who answer to their overlords, never to be spoken of as they knew that if we found out, they would be hunted down and dealt with swiftly.

Thus, “The Great Awakening.
The New World
that God has always intended for us”

We only need to travel back in time 152 years when the Organic Act of 1871 was enacted and then move forward to the current day.

Their plan extends much further back than 1871; this was not the first time they have executed a reset of humanity here on this realm we call earth.

The “Act Of 1871” was the instrument they used after the U.S. lost the Revolutionary War; it was at this time that the Rothchild’s and the global bankers infiltrated countries throughout the world.

The U.S. Treasury was financially exhausted due to the war that the global bankers had orchestrated, as they always have.

The global bankers have started every war, funding both sides to control humanity.

The global bankers then pulled us into their web of deceit and lies through a loan, which allowed them to infiltrate not only the U.S. through our governments but worldwide.

The execution of this plan allowed them to infiltrate banking, courts, medical, educational systems, and churches worldwide.

They had gained control of everything.

The Central banks, IMF, Federal Reserve, IRS, Corporations are not our friends folks.

The Act Of 1871 was a treasonous act against humanity; it was passed by The 41st Congress unlawfully against the original US Constitution.

This treasonous act enabled the global bankers to take away our sovereignty and dissolve the Republic For America.

The global bankers turned our country into THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CORP, and put a gold fringe around our great flag to represent their corporation and our capture underneath that corporation.

They infiltrated our legal system moving us from Common Law – God’s Natural Law (Land, Air, Water) to Corporate Maritime Law using the English language (legal ease) against the people, with statues, ordinances, policies and mandates which are not the law of the land as created by God our Divine Creator.

Maritime Law is conducted by The BAR Association – British Accredited Register and NOT constitutional law.

So, with all of these facts presented, this is “The Great Awakening.”

The British Crown, along with the Vatican, has controlled all of humanity through the strong arm of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORP. in all capitalized letters, and we no longer comply.

or does he?

The ‘Brunson’ case

There’s not much information
about this ‘Brunson’ case to hand
– yet!

It’s been to the Supreme Court
many times over the last couple of years
and has always been rejected
– but it just won’t go away.

Anyone looking at this
would have to consider this is
all part of some master-plan –
– as to what it is, no-one can work out.

But it looks like it’s still a ‘thing’
that could cause the necessary demise
of both U.S. Congress and SCOTUS.


We call them,
“The Walking Dead”:

They have either been “REMOVED” for their safety, decided to “leave the public eye on their own accord to help the mission”, and they have opted to feign their deaths according to what the  MILITARY OPERATION ♦️ required.

Q: Why do you call it,
“The Plan”/ “The MOVIE”.

A: You can not throw water on a


It was NEVER a “PANDEMIC“, but everyone had to BELIEVE it was.

Those in the medical community know that the DEFINITION of “CORONAVIRUS” is: THE COMMON COLD.

There has NEVER been ANY “virus” sample contained, maintained, or “passed around”.


This is why you “get sick”.

It is your body’s NATURAL REACTION to ridding whatever doesn’t belong.

The  MILITARY OPERATION  had some issues with the Deep State “threatening” the safety of Americans.

We needed to eradicate the evil, and a decision had to be made.

A 24/7/365 nonstop barrage of
C19 fear protocol was deployed:

It lulled everyone right where they were required to be: out of the way, so that the♦️MILITARY OPERATION could move forward to remove the DEEP STATE ACTORS AWAY FROM ANY CIVILIANS.

In that time, the DEEP STATE had attempted to deploy the REAL BIOWEAPON:



What they were able to attain, were swapped out for NORMAL SALINE.

In the meantime:





Courtesy of the DEEP STATE.


We are (were) at WAR.

It could be construed as W.W.3, but it is an INFORMATIONAL & TECHNOLOGICAL WAR.

Everyone who succumbed to the psychological conditioning of 24/7/365 nonstop barrage of C19 fear protocol, became a VICTIM.

Many people died.

Many people are mentally destroyed.

Many people are still in C19 fear, and believe the lies.

HOWEVER: The MILITARY OPERATION was successful in capturing, detaining, & holding tribunals for War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Treason, Sedition, and a myriad of other federal & world offenses.


It’s been a very, very, slow go, but we’re starting to see the end of it now.

EVERYONE will be made aware of EXACTLY what happened, how it happened, and most of all WHY IT HAD TO HAPPEN IN THIS MANNER.

The MILITARY OPERATION HAD to take control, as BOTH SIDES of OUR REPUBLIC, (and the other countries of Earth), had been sabotaged and compromised by the Depp State Cabal.

Once the MILITARY OPERATION is complete, they will transfer it back to “We, The People”.

We are literally “watching a movie”, produced by the MILITARY in REAL TIME.

Everything is delicately and intricately constructed and scripted.

There were no injuries or deaths at Butler, PA.

The interviews, the medics, the people IN THE KNOW were crisis actors.

The GENERAL PUBLIC THAT WERE PRESENT believed it, because those involved are 100% professionals at what they do.

We call it a L.A.R.P. A “Live Action Role Play”.

The amount of evil on BOTH SIDES was so incredibly pervasive there was no choice but to have all of the bad actors removed & replaced by others.

The “WALKING DEAD” wasn’t just a show.

It is a list of those actors & actresses that have, and are currently, stepping up to the plate as patriots in EACH NATION.

They are using their God-Given gifts & their talents to RESTORE THE LIGHT of the World from the Darkness that had it’s LEGITIMATE TEETH into EVERY FACET OF HUMANITY.

Remember: I can only say what I’m allowed to present.


24th May 2024

I’ve been sharing and showing the vast majority of that information for a very long time.

Those that have been here a while were likely nodding along saying “yep, yes, yep” throughout most of it, and the newer members must have been, like, “WHOA”!

Point is, I’ve been trying to lay this groundwork for a very long time to prepare you for what’s coming.

And I believe it’s here.

We KNOW we are in The Storm, the Storm of declass we’ve been expecting for so long.

The deep exposure of the [cabal] and [their] militant [ds] assets and all the evil [they] have perpetrated across the globe for thousands of years.

And as we we’ve discussed, and as QSR mentioned, all the way back to prior to the Annunaki.

I’ve told you before that Trump was placed and ensured election by the WH Military and the protection of him and his family through this process.

And this process is ugly.

They placed Trump not only because he couldn’t be bought or bribed, and because they knew based on his background and lineage he would never fold like so many of our leaders have before, or be assassinated like Lincoln and JFK, and the attempt on Reagan.

I’ve shown you the 9 times the [ds] attempted to assassinate Trump beginning the first time over Whidby Island in Washington State on first trip to meet with Kim Jon Un in Singapore, with two missiles fired from the stolen Richard B Russell submarine from Mayport Naval Station in Jacksonville in 1997, under bill [clinton], by the [cia].

Remember, that sub was the most powerful communications sub in the world, and was to be decommissioned when it was stolen.

Just by the way, Trump’s Storm tweet is and would be irrelevant.

The Storm is truly upon us.

The epic D5 declass Q promised us early on.

Have no plans today to go into QSR’s posts and discuss each topic because I’ve already done all that, that information is all here, and the TG search feature works great.

As QSR said, it’s time now to get serious in getting prepped for this last phase, because it truly is about to get bumpy. Trump told you last night in the Bronx.

Remember too, you are far ahead of the vast majority of those people there last night…most of which having no idea what they were being told.

Remember, Trump told us recently that he expected a potential terrorist even on US soil [cia/mossad] terrorists.

That he expect China Taiwan at any moment as we’ve also been showing you.

These events, tied together, will be our WWIII/IV moment/scare events.

Also, that video below we’ve also discussed as well as the reality of the happenings at Cheyenne Mountain, which I know fairly well from certain projects, since Trump was elected, not just since 2020.


1. Presidents and Former Presidents can be impeached

2. Presidents and Former Presidents can be forced to reveal tax and business records

3. Presidents and Former Presidents lose executive privilege

4. Presidents and Former Presidents lose attorney-client privilege

5. Presidents and Former Presidents can be forced to release private phone records and text messages

6. Presidents and Former Presidents can have their homes raided by the FBI

7. Presidents and Former Presidents can be subpoenaed by partisan committees

8. Presidents and Former Presidents can be repeatedly indicted and arrested

9. Presidents and Former Presidents lose their First Amendment right to free speech

10. Presidents and Former Presidents lose the right to a jury trial

11. VP no longer has authority to question validity of disputed electoral votes

12. The losing party no longer has authority to submit contingent electors when results are disputed

13. Presidents and Former Presidents don’t have Presidential Immunity

In a landmark decision,
the Supreme Court has overturned
the long-standing Chevron doctrine,
fundamentally altering the
balance of power between
the judiciary and federal agencies.

The ruling, which came in the case of
Loper Bright Enterprises et al. v. Raimondo,
Secretary of Commerce, et al.,
marks a significant shift in the balance of power
between the branches of government.

July 1 – 2024

The Chevron doctrine, established in the 1984 case Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, has long been a source of contention. It granted deference to federal agencies in interpreting ambiguous statutes, effectively allowing unelected bureaucrats to make laws through their regulatory actions.

However, by a 6-3 majority, the SCOTUS has now declared that such power is unconstitutional and goes against the principles of democratic governance.

“Chevron is overruled,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in his majority opinion. “Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority.”

Chief Justice Roberts, emphasized that the role of interpreting laws and making policy decisions should rest with elected representatives in Congress, not with unaccountable agency officials. The ruling has been hailed by critics of regulatory overreach as a victory for the separation of powers and the rule of law.

SCOTUS Blog reported:

Chevron, Roberts explains, “defies the command of” the Administrative Procedure Act, the law governing federal administrative agencies, “that the reviewing court–not the agency whose action it reviews–is to decide all relevant questions of law and interpret … statutory provisions.

It requires a court to ignore, not follow, the reading the court would have reached had it exercised its independent judgment as required by the APA.”

Chevron’s presumption that statutory ambiguities are implicit delegations of authority by Congress to federal agencies “is misguided,” Roberts explains, “because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do.”

Roberts notes that today’s decision does “not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron framework. The holdings of those cases that specific agency actions are lawful–including the Clean Air Act holding of Chevron itself–are still subject to statutory stare decisis despite our change in interpretive methodology.”

The decision comes with the concurrence of Justices Thomas and Gorsuch, who added their perspectives, underscoring the constitutional necessity of judicial independence in statutory interpretation.

“Justice Neil Gorsuch, the son of a former Environmental Protection Agency administrator, wrote separately to call Chevron Deference “A grave anomaly when viewed against the sweep of historic judicial practice,” according to “The 1984 decision, he said, “undermines core rule-of-law values ranging from the promise of fair notice to the promise of a fair hearing,” adding that it “operated to undermine rather than advance reliance interests, often to the detriment of ordinary Americans,” the news outlet added.

This is a massive win for the Constitution.
This is a massive win for the American people.

Leftist Laurence Tribe wrote, “Chevron is now overruled. The administrative state just died. The imperial judiciary joins the imperial presidency, relegating Congress to a secondary role except when it legislates with unrealistic specificity and foresight.”

Chevron is now overruled.

The administrative state just died. The imperial judiciary joins the imperial presidency, relegating Congress to a secondary role except when it legislates with unrealistic specificity and foresight.

“For far too long, the Chevron doctrine has allowed D.C. bureaucrats to go unchecked. Today’s SCOTUS ruling restores decision-making powers back into the hands of lawmakers who answer to the American people, not unelected Biden bureaucrats,” Sen. Cynthia Lummis wrote.

For far too long, the Chevron doctrine has allowed D.C. bureaucrats to go unchecked. Today’s SCOTUS ruling restores decision-making powers back into the hands of lawmakers who answer to the American people, not unelected Biden bureaucrats. June 28, 2024

“Goodbye Chevron deference, hello again, Constitution! Unelected bureaucrats cannot make the law, and our courts can once again protect the American people from them,” said Sen. Mike Lee.

Goodbye Chevron deference, hello again, Constitution!

Unelected bureaucrats cannot make the law, and our courts can once again protect the American people from them. — Mike Lee

Ron De Santis weighed in, writing,

“The Chevron doctrine distorted the constitutional separation of powers and helped create the unaccountable, bloated administrative state. This decision is a necessary corrective to decades of wayward constitutional jurisprudence but is, by itself, not enough to restore the proper roles of the federal government’s three branches, which will require Congress to take its obligations under Article I of the Constitution more seriously by using its law-making and spending authority to rein in the federal bureaucracy.”

The Chevron doctrine distorted the constitutional separation of powers and helped create the unaccountable, bloated administrative state.

This decision is a necessary corrective to decades of wayward constitutional jurisprudence but is, by itself, not enough to restore the… — Ron DeSantis


A family fishing company, Loper bright enterprises, was being driven out of business, because they couldn’t afford the $700 per day they were being charged by the national marine fisheries service to monitor their company.

The thing is, federal law doesn’t authorize NMFS to charge businesses for this.

They just decided to start doing it in 2013.

Why did they think they could away with just charging people without any legal authorization?

Because in 1984, in the chevron decision, the supreme court decided that regulatory agencies were the “experts” in their field, and the courts should just defer to their “interpretation” of the law.

So for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been able to “interpret” laws to mean whatever they want, and the courts had to just go with it.

It was called chevron deference, and it put bureaucrats in charge of the country.

It’s how the OHSA was able to decide that everyone who worked for a large company had to get the jab, or be fired.

No law gave them that authority, they just made it up.

It’s how the ATF was able to decide a piece of plastic was a “machine gun”.

It’s how the NCTS was able to decide that a small puddle was a “protected wetlands”.

It’s how out-of-control agencies have been able to create rules out of thin air, and force you to comply, and the courts had to simply defer to them, because they were the “experts”.

Imagine if your local police could just arrest you, for any reason, and no judge or jury was allowed to determine if you’d actually committed a crime or not.

Just off to jail you go.

That’s what chevron deference was.

It was not only blatantly unconstitutional, it caused immeasurable harm to everyone.

Thankfully, it’s now gone.

We haven’t even begun to feel the effects of this decision in the courts.

It will be used, for years to come, to roll back federal agencies, and we’ll all be better of for it.

And that’s why politicians and corporate media are freaking out about it.

Response to Overturning
“Chevron Deference”

We begin with an excellent summation by Spike Cohen which captures the essence of it:“In, Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, the Supreme Court overturned a 40 year old case called Chevron [Deference] that granted radical levels of power to federal agencies. Spike Cohen explains this case and its importance.

“A family fishing company, Loper Bright Enterprises, was being driven out of business, because they couldn’t afford the seven hundred dollars per day they were being charged by the NMFS, the National Marine Fisheries Service, to monitor their company.The thing is, federal law doesn’t authorize the NMFS to charge businesses for this. They just decided to start doing it in 2013. Why did they think they could get away with just charging people without any legal authorization?

Because in 1984, in the Chevron decision, the Supreme Court decided that regulatory agencies were the “experts” in their field, and the courts should just defer to their “interpretation” of the law.

So for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been able to “interpret” laws to mean whatever they want, and the courts had to just go with it.

It was called Chevron Deference, and it put bureaucrats in charge of the country.

It’s how OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, was able to decide that everyone who worked for a large company had to get the jab, or be fired. No law gave them that authority, they just made it up.

It’s how the ATF, the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms and Explosives, was able to decide a piece of plastic was a “machine gun”.

It’s how the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service, the NRCS, is able to decide that a small puddle is a “protected wetland”.

It’s how out-of-control agencies have been able to create rules out of thin air, and force you to comply, and the courts had to simply defer to them, because they were the “experts”.

Imagine if your local police could just arrest you, for any reason, and no judge or jury was allowed to determine if you’d actually committed a crime or not.

Just off to jail you go.

That’s what Chevron Deference was. It was not only blatantly unconstitutional, it caused immeasurable harm to everyone. Thankfully, it’s now gone.

We haven’t even begun to feel the effects of this decision in the courts.

It will be used, for years to come, to roll back federal agencies, and we’ll all be better off for it.

And that’s why politicians and corporate media are freaking out about it.”

~Spike Cohen

This above summation adequately describes the impact of this decision on so-called Administrative Code and all the related Article I Courts and Tribunals in this country.

The Reign of Bureaucratic Terror unleashed by the Chevron Deference (to “Experts”) Doctrine has been relegated to the dustbin of history, where it belongs, except that such a decision and such a doctrine should have never existed at all, we are well-pleased.

The proposition that the legislative powers of any Congress should be delegated and redelegated by those operating under delegated power themselves is and always has been unacceptable.

This practice has reliably resulted in the Uncle Ernie Scenario in which a task is assigned to one person and then passed on to a different person to perform; the first person to whom the assignment is actually entrusted passes off their responsibility for performance to the second, who has no direct accountability.

In this way, liability is evaded by the first person and accountability is avoided by the second person, and the public interest is disserved throughout.

The various Territorial and Municipal Congresses have been passing off their responsibilities to unaccountable Federal Agencies since the 1880’s, so that faceless, unelected, and largely unaccountable bureaucrats have been writing Administrative Codes and enforcing them as law for over a hundred years–with ever-increasing impunity and corruption.

The break in the dam related to this corruption came last year with another Supreme Court case, “West Virginia v EPA” in which the Justices reiterated a hundred-plus year-old Tennessee ruling in Norton v Shelby County, finding that Congress has no ability to shuffle off its legislative powers to other entities.

The immediate effect is to gut the Administrative Court System and de-fang the various Federal and State-of-State franchise Agencies.

If Congress wants to burden the public they will have to get down to it and do their own dirty work and take responsibility for it from now on. They will no longer have the Agencies to do it all for them, no longer be able to escape their liability by re-assigning their role to unelected bureaucrats.

The unelected bureaucrats will no longer be able to extend their capricious and autocratic rule subject only to their own courts.

A sigh of relief can be heard across the land.

Politically, the court has handed Congress its own head on a platter, and the Executive Branch, too, while significantly increasing its own power and the power of its subordinate “judicial [district]” courts.

This one move has its good points and bad points from an American Public perspective.

The good part is the removal of oppressive bureaucratic and executive powers; the bad part is increased reliance upon courts attached to military judicial districts which were set up in the wake of the Civil War and which are infamously known as “Carpetbagger Courts”.

It is doubtful that this “judicial [district] court system” was ever legal or lawful in the first place.

It was initiated in May of 1865 via the creation of ten new “military districts” covering the eleven defeated Confederate States of States, and was invoked via non-existent emergency powers.

The primary duty of this ersatz judicial [district] court system was to keep order and collect war reparations; it was only required to provide “an appearance of justice” — not actual justice.

The current action can be viewed as the British Territorial Government’s “judicial district court system” knocking off their Municipal Court competition.

It can also be viewed as the British Territorial Government taking a controlling position over the vast Federal Agency structure created by FDR and all the more than 350 three-letter and four-letter Municipal Agencies created in the 1930’s.

It can be viewed as a peremptory move by the court to reign in executive power, also.

There was a reason that FDR created all those “Federal Agencies” — and it was simply to enable him to rule as a despot using “Executive Orders” to run the entire country.

So, the whole Chevron Deference Doctrine that has just been overturned, was only an extension and proliferation of already existing abuses of power and non-existent authorities that began in the Belle Epoch Era after the Civil War –abuses that have continued unabated until now.

The first such inroads began with the Pinkerton Laws extended to the Railroad Corporations allowing them to hire and deploy foreign police contractors in this country, followed by the deployment of U.S. Marshals in the western Territories formed during and after the Civil War.

Then, within twenty years, there began a proliferation of “departmental agencies” such as the Department of Justice, Inc., and the Department of Defense, Inc., operated as undisclosed Territorial Government Subcontractors to defend and protect the District Corporations against the American Public, at the expense of the American Public.

It was during this time period from the 1880s to the 1930’s that various other “government” departments and functions were secretly privatized and farmed out to individual privately owned and operated corporations in the business of providing essential government services.

It was during this period of time that the Federal Reserve System, Inc. came into being and the United States Department of the Treasury, Inc. and the Bureau of Land Management, Inc. and the various state-level Bureaus of Vital Statistics came into being.

These are all private enterprises secretly and deceptively operating under color of law as if they have legitimate government authority, and all of their assumed powers have rested on the same practice of “secondary delegation” of powers that has been overturned in the Loper Bright Enterprises decision.

Please note that the International Monetary Fund, Inc., has operated as the United States Department of the Treasury, Inc., and as the United States Treasury, Inc., since 1924. These, in turn, have been acting in concert with the Internal Revenue Service, Inc. These are all British Crown Corporations.

Meanwhile, the IMF, INC. has operated as the US DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY, INC., and the UNITED STATES TREASURY, INC. and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC., and so on, in a similar “mirrored” bureaucracy having little or nothing to do with this actual country or our people. These are all Holy Roman Empire Municipal Corporations.

It’s clear that the overturning of the Chevron Deference Doctrine means overturning many of the powers assumed by these incorporated entities and de-legalizing many of the enforcement activities that have been used to purloin property interests and illegally confiscate assets belonging to Americans beginning in the 1880’s.

The so-called “Executive Powers” exercised by FDR and his Successors to accomplish all these evil ends and to benefit from corporate cronyism are similarly overturned by this decision, in that the Executives of the Federal Municipal Corporations can no longer delegate their powers away to these incorporated Agencies.

Like the Territorial and Municipal Congresses, the Presidents are now stuck doing their own dirty work and are liable for the performance and the results.

As Americans, we are pleased, but wary.

The judicial district court system has its own evil history of abuses and it is no accident that Americans who can’t tell you how many doughnuts are in a dozen can still remember the phrase, “Carpetbagger Courts”.

These courts were famous for misaddressing anyone who had anything of value as a “rebel” or “insurrectionist” and then illegally and immorally confiscating their private assets to pay “war” reparations for a mercenary conflict — which is, itself, both illegal and unlawful.

Should we celebrate this power grab by these “judicial” courts? Probably not.

They are not our courts and their history in this country is not at all reassuring.

From the American perspective, we have been at peace since 1814, and nobody should be misidentifying us as part of any foreign citizenry, impersonating us, accusing us, latching upon our assets, misaddressing us, or otherwise presuming anything against us.

From the American perspective, there are no “emergency powers” nor “executive orders” and no “war powers”, either. These phrases and everything attached to them pertain to foreign corporations and their internal operations.

They have nothing to do with the American Public and never did.

Untangling this vast web of semantic deceits and misdeeds, breaches of trust, violation of service contracts, and wrongs visited upon the innocent will take time and effort to unravel.

We are guardedly optimistic about the recent Supreme Court reversal of the Chevron Deference Doctrine. It has many foreseeable good results and is a big step toward restoring sanity both in court venues and in the arena of public administration.

Many of the most egregious abuses will be stopped.

The effect of further empowering military district judicial courts is unknown and unsettling from the perspective of the civilian population and the American Government, which considers the occupation of our country by foreign mercenary forces to be illegal and unlawful and also considers the basis for forming the so-called “judicial district court system” to be lacking.

A British Territorial “United States” Congress ordained these courts via legislative act in 1865, but that is no excuse to impersonate Americans and subject them to foreign law in breach of trust and service contract, just as a Mercenary Conflict does not provide recourse to the Law of War.

If these infamous courts and those running them can be correctly and sufficiently re-educated, justice may return to this country prior to the broad spectrum reopening of our assembly courts. This would certainly be welcome instead of a last-ditch effort to further defraud, brutalize, and mischaracterize Americans on the way out the door — which is the other possible outcome.

Millions of Americans have been impersonated as British Territorial U.S. Citizens and have been illegally presumed upon to pay mortgages and property taxes which they either (1) don’t owe in the first case, or (2) owe, but not in reference to what is owed to them.

A large-scale plan and effort to foreclose on millions of American homeowners and landowners under these false presumptions has been uncovered, and Carpetbagger Courts brought forward into the modern era would certainly be handy and well-practiced in the art of illegal confiscation of assets.

It is our position and purpose to oppose any such activities being carried out against our people and against their lawful persons by British Territorial Mercenary Interests or any other parties and players.

It can be easily observed and historically documented that Americans don’t owe any “National Debt” and don’t owe anything to the Central Banks. Instead, we are the only solvent underwriters.

Unlike our Tory neighbors, we didn’t borrow any money from King George to fight against ourselves in the War of Independence, nor did we mortgage our lands to pay his Successors back for more loans enabling ourselves to fight for His Royal Britannic Majesty in World War I or World War II — which is the source of all those “mortgages” which are owed on British Territorial properties, but not on American properties.

It becomes apparent why there has been such a concerted effort on the part of the British Territorial “U.S. Government” to misidentify Americans as British Territorial U.S. Citizens: they get to collect mortgages and property taxes against U.S. Citizens, not Americans.

Likewise, while Americans may owe them for stipulated services, they owe the Americans an insurmountable debt, requiring them to provide a debt swap “credit exemption exchange” with Americans, but not with British Territorials. This provides another powerful incentive and motivation to secretively impersonate and misidentify Americans as British Territorial U.S. Citizens.

There are millions upon millions of Americans who have been secretly mischaracterized as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, Americans who have been impersonated and who have paid mortgages they didn’t owe, property taxes they didn’t owe, internal revenue taxes they didn’t owe, and franchise taxes they didn’t owe, all because of unconscionable citizenship obligations that were foisted off on them while they were babies in their cradles.

If the purpose of the current action of the U.S. Supreme Court is simply to narrow down the competition to fleece the Americans out of more property, and to shut down the Municipal courts in advance of another unjustifiable assault on us by Territorial Carpetbaggers, then the end of Agency Oppression will be tempered by the onset of Territorial Courts engaged in illegal confiscation and asset stripping similar to what went on after the so-called American Civil War ended.

We have discovered plans outlining such an assault on American homes and land holdings, and also plans by the U.S. Government corporations to hold vast numbers of trials and executions at public expense— actions that will kill large numbers of people, create untold social upheaval, and further traumatize the American victims of all these crimes without, however, coming clean about what has happened here.

We strongly oppose and object to any such destructive course of action from persons who remain our Debtors in fact.

  Link to original article HERE

Med Beds approved?
the Supreme Court’s
quiet Chevron decision

As of July 1st. 2024 …

The Supreme Court has quietly
made a decision that could bring
med beds to the forefront
of medical innovation.

Watch this video to
understand the implications
of this landmark ruling
on the healthcare industry …
… and us!

Click image for video

Biden-Trump Debate

How can I watch the debate?

  Click this link for video
or image above

The first debate will take place on Thursday, June 27, at 9 pm ET. It will be hosted by CNN at the cable network’s studios in Atlanta and will run 90 minutes with only two commercial breaks.

You can watch it live on CNN, Fox News, or ABC, all of which will include full coverage as well as debate analysis before and after.

If you don’t have a cable subscription, you can live stream the debate at the YouTube embed above or on CNN.com, Max, and Hulu, or watch it on YouTube.

We will carry the debate live stream as well so sign-up for our email subscriptions for an alert when the stream is available.

Who’s moderating the debate?

Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, co-hosts of CNN’s Sunday morning show State of the Union, will serve as moderators.

Which candidates will be on stage?

Biden and Trump are the only presidential candidates who qualified for the debate stage.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. failed to meet the threshold, which required candidates to poll at 15% or higher in four national surveys and appear on enough state ballots that could theoretically push them past the needed 270 Electoral College votes to secure the presidency.

How is this debate different from past debates?

Typically, presidential debates occur in front of a live audience, often in an event space on a college or university campus, and are coordinated by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD.)

But not this year. Both candidates have said they will not participate in the CPD’s previously scheduled and announced debates, lobbying for earlier matchups.

Instead, Biden and Trump will take part in Thursday’s debate on CNN and then a second in September hosted by ABC News.

What are the rules for the debate?

Trump and Biden
have agreed to the following rules:

Microphones will be muted unless a candidate is directed to speak

Candidates are not allowed to bring prewritten notes or props.

They will receive a pen and paper, as well as a bottle of water

A coin toss determined podium positions and the order of closing statements

According to CNN, Biden’s campaign won the coin toss and chose the podium to the viewers’ right.

As a result, the Trump team chose to deliver the final closing statement of the evening.


World intelligence assessments;


This comes after the release of Julian Assange before the debate and directly after the debate the U S. Supreme court intervening against

The Department of Justice ruling on January 6 political prisoners , therefore releasing hundreds of political prisoners and EXPOSING an unjust JUDICIAL SYSTEM.

(The coming lawsuits against Biden, DOJ and FBI in the behalf of the J6 political prisoners WILL EXPOSE the deep state operations connected to a MILITARY COUP against Donald J Trump.

The coming lawsuits WILL bring evidence into the light of full corruption of the CIA Pentagons involvement of military COUP connected to all three branches of government and enterprises)

More over it’s becoming clear that a MASSIVE World alliance OPERATIONS is taking place as Trump confirms that Russia China and North Korea will not be enemies if he is re-elected as President.

(Several sources as Q The Storm Rider have made these statements years ago, that Trump. Putin.XI. Modi Bin Salman plus BRICS Nations were all working together and would make a peace pac and a secure financial world future of a gold/ precious metals and commodity back system that would destroy the CIA/Rockefellers/Rothschild/Federal reserve Fiat system and world banks money laundering operations)

The FAKE Presidential debate was military world COMMS that showed the world deep state cabal that the U S. Is under Military control of Devolution operations leading to 11.3 operations

(The STAGING was to let the deep state know
that the military alliance can
stage the world’s biggest debate


Major Industry
disruption coming:

  Nuclear energy

Healthcare Software

Fintech (crypto)

Genomics (Bioengineering)




These are the fields that will face massive disruptions.

Now that the C-Doc has been revoked cures that have been put on the backburner can be released exponentially fast.

New medical tech can be developed without the bureaucratic red tape.

The Chevron Doctrine stems from the 1984 Supreme Court case Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.

It established a legal test for determining when courts should defer to a government agency’s interpretation of a statute that it administers.

The Chevron Doctrine was this little legal nugget that basically said, “Hey, courts, if Congress wrote a law that’s as clear as mud, just trust the agency in charge to figure it out.

It was like giving the keys to the kingdom to federal agencies, allowing them to interpret laws as they saw fit.

Now, imagine a world where big, bad monopolies on medical technology (like those pesky med beds) were running amok, crushing innovation under their tyrannical heels.

The Chevron Doctrine was like their best buddy, helping them keep their iron grip on the market.

You see, with the Chevron Doctrine in place, these monopolies could lobby the agencies to interpret laws in their favor, effectively blocking any upstarts from entering the scene with their fancy new med beds or other medical marvels.

It was like a legal shield, protecting them from the harsh winds of competition.

Think about all the sci-fi ideas over the last 10-15 years you have been hearing about.


  1. Neural interfaces for direct mind-computer connection

  2. Holographic displays and augmented reality contact lenses

  3. Teleportation devices for instant travel

  4. Nanobots for medical treatment and bodily enhancement

  5. Anti-gravity vehicles and personal flying suits

  6. Replicators that can materialize any object

  7. Time manipulation devices

  8. Invisibility cloaks or fields

9  . Artificial general intelligence indistinguishable from humans

  10. Memory editing and implantation technology

  11. Consciousness uploads to software

12. Genetic engineering for bio-design with enhanced humans

  13. Fully immersive virtual reality worlds

  14. Faster-than-light space travel


This is just a rough list of things you can expect to start major production.

This is one of the reasons why I think Donald Trump put out that warning to the Deep State.

Because the only way all of this can go into production in earnest is once we do a massive illegal immigrants sweep across the country.

Then as that is happening you will start to see a fast-track of revolutionary innovation across all industries in record time.

You are about to experience the debut of America 5.0.

This is why you all feel this lethargic drag everyday you wake up because we have parasites living among us who are not supposed to be here.

Which is why everything has this slow pace to it.

And it messing with you mentally.

Which is why people are reaching their breaking point.

Why do you think you are always seeing videos of people in their vehicles talking about how hard things are?

How challenging life has become?

How much financial hardships they are going through?

Because we have strained our system to benefit people who are not adding anything to it.

And the burden is falling on Americans and the weight had become unbearable.

Not anymore

This 5 month transition period into next year will see massive changes.

The Chevron Doctrine has officially opened up the door for a massive breakthrough in that regard.

You are about to see things turned up a notch so be on guard through the remaining months of this year.

Because a lot of people do not want you to have what you are about to receive.







Our fleet of Galactic Federation ships is home to billions of humans and hundreds of alien humanoids such as the Pleiadians, Arcturians, Andromedans, Lyrans, Buenos Draconians and many more…The Galactic Federation of Worlds was founded over 4.5 million years ago to prevent dark interdimensional forces from dominating and exploding this galaxy.

Today there are just over 200,000 star nations and confederations as members.

About 40% are humanoids and the rest are various forms of sentient beings.

Most of the members of the Galactic Federation are fully sentient and benevolent beings.

Long ago, the Emerald Sacred Orders of the Spiritual Hierarchies of this Galaxy forged a Great Spiritual Council of Light.

This sacred entity reached the great Beings of Light who created sacred colonies in the star clusters known as the constellations of Lyra, Cancer and Gemini…

These great Beings finally formed a League of Light, whose current descendant is the Galactic Federation of Light.

The Galactic Federation is also monitored by the Great Blue Lodge of Creation, whose marvelous light emits through this galaxy from an important Stargate located in the Syrian star system.

Syria Star Nation is a proud member of the Galactic Federation.

The Galactic Federation of Light is made up of many humanists from many worlds committed to the cause of helping Earth rise.

They send spiritual guides, who speak through some people in this world, who have a special mission here on Earth.

These people on mission are normal human beings who were born like everyone else; However, your spiritual lineage is not of this world..

These people are workers of light seeds and stars whose spirits originate in various worlds within the Federation, such as Lyra, Sirius, Pleiades, Andromeda Galaxy, and many others.

There are also babies born today whose current bodies are already more evolved than most older humans, and they are known as ‘Indigo Babies or ‘Crystal Babies’.

And finally some souls go “entering”, where the original soul born of a body advances and transcends and a being of light enters the body left behind.

We are always watched over and protected by the Terrestrial Alliance and our non-terrestrial counterparts.


The Galactic Federation of Light is always here with us and has never gone.

From now on, there are only positive possibilities left!

The light has finally overcome the darkness!

Currently Planet Earth is about to be completely liberated, and all men, women and children will be free to live according to the Galactic Code, which means living a positive life with unlimited abundance for all mankind and animal life.


● Peace on Earth…

● The Global Reboot

● The first contact




What you do with the information
that you receive is up to you.

Dissemination and circulation of this message is strongly recommended.

You have free will and free choice, so use it, and most of all listen to what your heart, your soul and your guided spirit tells you, because it holds the truth.

The time has now come to radiate all of these new Powerful Energies on a much much larger scale, bringing only Pure Joy, Healing, Peace, Oneness, Happiness, Freedom, Love, Health, Wealth and Abundance for all life on Planet Earth.





“The case concerns the interchange fees associated with debit card transactions, which generate billions of dollars in revenue for issuing banks.

The regulatory agency, the Board of the Federal Reserve System, promulgated a rule (“Regulation II”) to govern these fees.

Regulation II caps the fees that banks can charge for each debit card transaction.

Petitioners in the case include Corner Post, a convenience store, the North Dakota Retail Association (NDRA), and the North Dakota Petroleum Marketers Association (NDPMA), all of whom accept debit card payments and are thus affected by interchange fees.”

“The Court has decided that the clock starts
for limitations purposes whenever a new
regulated entity is created.

This means that, from this day forward,
administrative agencies can be
sued in perpetuity over
every final decision they make.”




UK Election

You can’t make this up …
how many coincidences
before it becomes impossible?

Reforms 17%
gets them 13 projected seats.

Remember it is a movie to wake people up, to let them see that elections are rigged, Who ever wins, its all part of the movie to expose them what what they have been party too.

The Coronavirus Act 2020 for 2 years was illegal, supporting Charles when Queen officially died (Treason) Fraud Council tax etc system to enslave us – who are they working for – not we the people. House of Commons for the slaves (rigged) House of Lords rewards from Queen, titles, income and protection. Trump’s visit – Queen surrendered (capitulated) 2018. Her

Official death (Movie 2022) Windsor Funeral – Charles gave up his right to the throne – Head of Military broke the contract – everything has to be done right, when you are dealing with a squatter on the throne – who has claimed land, property status and even had her money printed – and ‘commoner’s’ singing God save the Queen for 70 years.

We have no King – so this bunch of clowns pretending to have an election are getting what is coming to them.

For those awake Trump became UK Commandering in Chief CIC as he inspected the guards and sat in Churchills chair in 2018. Everything Royalty owned was put under him.

Commonwealth etc. To work out Trump could do that – it relates to 1871s purchase of Washington and renaming DC and fringing the flag.

America were enslaved. America’s 1776 and our 1215 Magna Carta over ruled.

Charles in his ceremony – pledged to the Magna Carta – note the wording used etc

The Queen from 2018 wore commoners clothes to the opening of Parliament – not the regalia and crown.

We need the movie to show us that.

click image for video

What choice do we have?

Larken Rose


click image for video

The Jones Plantation

Larken Rose


click image for video

The Tiny Dot

Larken Rose


click image for video

How we lose our freedom
one piece at a time.

Your liberty
where do you draw
YOUR line?

End of the day,
until everyone can
answer this question

and then act,
all the rest of the talk is just BS.



The ability to perceive energy is a spiritual awareness.

We can sense the vibration of energy and can thus decide what to align with and what to avoid.

Sometimes our ego changes that spiritual perception by adding a negative judgement to it by deciding it is bad or wrong.

This alters it and drops it from spiritual gift that allows us to join, walk away or challenge, into the duality of 3D energy.

Many of us are now being awakened to different realities.

Deception and corruption are being revealed as part of the evolution taking place for humanity and Earth.

We are remembering the truth of who we are as spiritual beings and releasing all that is not in alignment. This includes letting go of millions of 3D patterns of reality and beliefs we have accepted over lifetimes.

All of humanity is achieving this goal with every step.

We’ve heard many things lately we found unpleasant and some have judged them. We seem to judge people and situations so often, it seems normal.

We can fail to see the part we play in events or accept where we failed to stand up and take responsibility.

We say ‘we didn’t know’.

But if we think about it, we did know a lot!

We are in a different time now on Earth and need to change aligning with negative concepts.

We need to expand our thinking beyond the old fixed boxes and view life from higher perspectives.

Our actions, words and thoughts hold an energy frequency.

As spiritual beings we can sense or know when our words and ideas are focused in light and helping the overall planetary vibration, or when our focus is adding dense negative energy. If we are honest with ourselves, we can easily see if our thoughts are aligned to love, understanding and compassion, coming from the truth of the soul. It is time for us to become our higher level of being.

For some people, what I am about to say may be unreal. But there are many millions who have heard this.

At this stage, we can’t absolutely know if it is true or not, but enough information has been presented that warrants us to consider it as a strong possibility.

The point of bringing it up is it because it is causing an avalanche of negative judgement.

As we know, energy permeates the planet and human consciousness.

I am speaking of an idea that an invasive alien species arrived on Earth long ago and stayed, usurping a great deal of control.

This species is considered more advanced technologically than us, but is devoid of emotion and compassion.

It seems they consider humans to be a lesser species and have no concern about causing us harm.

Some people may feel outraged by this idea, but perhaps our negative reactions could be tempered if we look at the fact that humans also consider many species inferior to themselves, and that it is OK to kill or eat them.

We know when we discover additional factors in certain situations, it can help us see things from a different perspective and change our views.

While it is uncomfortable to consider things from a karmic point of view or from our own possible contribution to events that take place, it may help if we consider our own treatment of ‘inferior species’.

This isn’t a rant from an animal protection group.

While it may not be pleasant, it is an undeniable truth that we could examine in a responsible way and it may lessen our judgement of others.

This is not to make us feel guilty or bad but to help us see a higher perspective and become wiser about decisions we make for our future.

Human consider animals and insects are inferior to themselves.

This appears to make it acceptable to kill them.

This is done for multiple reasons including meat, hide, bones; as trophies in game sports or the testing of chemicals used in cosmetics and drugs.

Most people consider this treatment acceptable and rarely give it moral thought, attention, revision or compassion.

Treated as commodities, many animals are treated inhumanely, being crammed together with little space, natural light or stimuli.

We allow such practices as battery chickens; cattle having throats slit and dying slowly; sheep transported hundreds of miles to be slaughtered in tightly packed cages; deliberate dehydration of animals transported for slaughter; caged birds; laboratory testing for medicines and cosmetics on monkeys, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs, etc; fish farming; dog and cock fighting; being chained or tied up; debeaking of birds; animals kept in confined spaces; zoos; mental abuse and trauma; abandonment; lack of food, water and shelter; torture and maiming; fur farming; dehorning and puppy farms. We may think we only kill cattle, fish, sheep, pigs, rabbit, chickens, goats, ducks, geese and turkeys but it is far more extensive than that.

We kill bears, tigers, elephants, wolves, foxes, deer, water buffalo, mules, minks, fish, lobsters, prawns and whales. We kill feral animals which include cats, wild dogs, goats, foxes, hares, rabbits, pigs, buffalo, wallabies, kangaroos, donkeys, horses and camels; native and non-native game birds such as quail, guinea fowl, partridge, peafowl, pheasant, spotted dove, turkeys and magpie geese; some native waterfowl black duck, wood duck, chestnut teal, corellas, galahs and ravens.

It varies slightly from country to country but only slightly.

We also have a widespread practice that involves killing any creature that inadvertently gets in our way, such as mosquitoes, ants, spiders, bees, cane toads, wasps, snakes, rodents, bugs, crocodiles, sharks, etc.

You could say that whenever we encounter a realm of life we consider inferior to us, it’s perfectly normal and acceptable to trap, cause pain, harm or kill it. Official figures estimate we kill 70 billion plus land animals a year for food.

If we add the billions of marine creatures, it possibly totals 150 billion each year.

And humanity is generally thought of as a race of caring people with values about injustice and who have strong emotions and compassion to help guide our right action and integrity.

So, it would be reasonable to ask what is the difference between us considering animals and insects as lower forms of life and therefore OK to kill – to another species considering the same of the human race.

⭐️ Big Call notes ⭐️

Gem Finch

I know – so technically that wonderful and miraculous window of opportunity is not yet over or closed till midnight – and we cannot whip up many miracles (not yet anyway – need to be deeply made aware and taught of all the blessed gifts taken from us before that can happen) but maybe by this time next year?

Can you even begin to imagine the things that prayerfully we will be reminded about that we’ve sadly been so long without the knowledge of what those skills were and how to do such wonders – it’s taken millennia to forget what they were – so it’s going to take a little while for sure to relearn – the excitement of that though is going to be amazing, we each of us have talents that we know we are either really good at – or – maybe just things we’ve always wanted to do and never more than likely had neither the money or time to pursue.

When you think about how much our lives are going to change in just a short time down the track being able to spend the hours of our days not doing what we know we have to do – for most that would come under the heading of a job (just over broke job they hate) to then going to bed at night with the thought that that bright and gloriously new tomorrow – will be ours to fill with many of those fun things that for most of us it’s been so long since we’ve done any of them – well you know where I’m going with this – let’s just put in the terms that life up to now has if you think about it, mostly been about pleasing others – now a new day in our new life – might even be as simple as taking your dog for a walk along a beautiful beach, if your lucky enough to have moved to that house you’ve always wanted looking over or at least very near to a beach – to finally get as far away as possible from those concrete jungles they’ve forced us into living in – hopefully fresh air to breath and who knows maybe even the sheer joy of owning some land and knowing you now have the time and money to grow your own non poisoned food (imagine that)

Actually my son mentioned only yesterday that he’d read that even our drinking water is now so contaminated with those “forever chemicals” now I’ve known for a long time, there pretty much isn’t anything they haven’t poisoned but despite that when I checked out these “forever chemicals” well that a whole new can of worms with which to kill off humanity at a swift rate, especially if it’s now contaminating the drinking water – fluoride was bad enough but no let’s put something in that’s really going to cause long term damage to humans – these are some seriously evil sick beings we need to remove ourselves from.

they think of course they rule over us – and while we go on thinking that way that’s all the tacit consent they need – there is no negotiating with them either because they don’t have the empathy or any compassion to even realise that what they are trying to do us is completely totally unacceptable and as with that old thing about tacit consent – if we don’t stand up and speak up – that’s exactly what they’ll take as us complying, and what immediately comes to mind would be the new monkeypox (moneypox ) they are of course now ramping up to be the next plandemic – already you see the long lines of queues in the us just like it was the last time, I’ve not seen any such awful places for testing here yet in Australia – but with the evil so called government we have I’m sure even given a whiff of another onslaught at lockdowns and mandatory bio-weapons – those darn qcode sign in nonsense and who knows what other insanities they’d try to inflict again upon at the first opportunity.

I strongly suggest that none of us ever – never ever – let the same horror as the last debacle happen in our world again.

We’ve not yet recovered from the last time and now they are trying to push their will on us again – stand up dear ones, your only going to get one chance to do the right thing and this is that moment.

For the sake of our little ones, we must never let them suffer as they did back at the start of the hoax – even that horror is still very much in their minds and it must never be something they have to relive in anyway shape or form.

Our father creator will not tolerate the little ones suffering more then they already have.

Now we need to do all in our power to heal them and of course us and mother GAIA – it’s a big job and we are up to the challenges ahead of us – we’ve got this far and we’re not giving up or giving in or complying now – that said let’s see what big call Bruce has new to tell us today.

⭐️ Big Call notes ⭐️

21 – August – 2024…
Luke, Patriot in the Park

The DNC seem to be imploding on themselves, higher forces determined that we should not interfere with their demise. While you may still be wondering which Narrative to follow, or is anything happening, let me make a few points.

Two months ago, I listened to Scott Mowry bring out that our military had been training 10s of thousands of Mexican troops/mercenaries to infiltrate the Mexican drug and sex cartels, as well as the evil elements of the Mexican government, much like has been done within our own country.

According to reports …

Planes and helicopters are in the air nightly, providing many “one-way deliveries” to gitmo!

AF1 and AF2 have been active, but there has been no transportation of FJB since Dec, 2019.

That begins to tell you the White Hats are in control.

He further said that the first night of the DNC, the venue was less than 50%.

So they have called out “central casting” to pay more people to attend.

But, watch the audience.

Do some of those people appear excited to be there?

Isn’t it obvious that the line-up of speakers have already been “processed” under military tribunals?

How ridiculous can some of these antics become… before it is just too obvious?

It’s a lot to endure, but following laws & orders, E.O.S. and the law of war manual is the way it has to play out.

Stay true to yourselves, to your beliefs, and stay prepared.

No one, repeat, no one is going to broadcast a schedule in advance.

Remember that!

Now, I have spoke of peter B.Meyer before, author of the book, “The Great Awakening” {parts 1 & 2}.

He has continued to write and provide some perspective on the unfolding of events.

Deep state is trapped the move to end the dominance of the dollar was initiated a decade ago from Asia, where most of the hard assets that have been the backbone of the world financial system since its inception are located.

This was signed and agreed and was the basis of the Bretton woods agreement of 1944, which was deliberately never implemented.

The initiative to end dollar dominance gained more traction when russia joined in, which subsequently led to the formation of the BRICS alliance, and the rest, as we know, is history and has been outlined in various articles previously.


The crimes of the central bankers are legendary and more than can be listed.

The damage done to all the people of our planet will take generations to correct.

But it will be corrected, if only we the people would awaken en-masse!

The roots of today’s problems clearly show that history has not been a random series of events, but rather a carefully planned ‘design’ of land, wealth and resource grabbing, and the seizure of our freedom through corona quarantining, carried out by a small number of wealthy and privileged individuals bent on world domination.

This has been done on such a massive scale that it seems almost incomprehensible, but as the old saying goes, “the best kept secrets are those hidden in plain sight”.

All that is seen is a manipulated illusion around the world.

Global finance, including banking, stock markets, currencies or whatever, is simply a confidence trick.

Their plan to completely take over planet earth has been extremely successful until recently by hiding their manipulation behind financial and governmental cronies; through bribery they control people like puppets on strings and so have been the wealthy rulers and dark lords throughout countless ages.

The evil “deep state” traitors and criminals are so terrified as they realise they have been backed into a corner by the inspector general’s report on the cia, doj and fbi.

This report outlines and proves fraud and criminal activity in these departments.

This could be the starting point that sends many in high places in these departments to prison for their crimes.

This is precisely why the global mafia is now activating all its resources in a desperate move to save itself.

The Inspector General’s (IG) report is about restoring the rule of law that has been ignored and flouted for decades.

Aall these bribed puppets – low, middle and high – have hijacked the system to the point where the rules of justice could be turned against their opponents while covering up their own criminal activities.

What currently scares the hell out of this criminal syndicate is the restoration of the rule of law.

When there is a full restoration of the rule of law, that is what will blow this globalist crime syndicate apart.

The debt-based financial system is already dead in the water and will soon be replaced by the qfs.

This means no more money for this crime syndicate as their income stream from drug money and illegal oil sales will also dry up.

This alone will lead to an escalation in the price of gold and silver and the end of market manipulation.

All this interference has been going on for hundreds of thousands of years.

things go well for a long time – empires grow and grow – and then they don’t go so well and eventually everything collapses.

Most likely in today’s society, the global central bank economy for all nations is currently near the top of the curve and will soon collapse.

The satanic control of the deep state is the result of a very well organised long-term conspiracy to establish the new world order based on the luciferian revolution against god and nature.

These are the pharaonic templar bankers of Switzerland with their 5th column masonic lackeys and criminal Jesuits.

They form the ruling oligarchy throughout the world.

The ruling pharaohs originate from lucifer’s occult mystery religions that came out of Babylon and Egypt.

They are now identified as the global elite or deep state cabal who see us as their slaves and assets to do with as they please.

The security forces in every major country in the world now have real-time access to every conceivable function of your smartphone – including your microphone, camera, text messages, places you have visited and people you have spoken to on the street – even when you think your phone is switched off.

He concludes that this is a tool of tyranny.

He ends by asking: what are we going to do about it?

To remain silent and do nothing is to condone evil.

Our overwhelming, uncontrollable and unstoppable mass awakening is what the world’s ruling elite fears the most, as we greatly outnumber them and their associates.

In this case, they do not know how to deal with us, even with their advanced technologies.

If the masses, the vast majority of the population who are now out of work, left alone and expressing their anger, somehow become aware of their power, they don’t even need a conspiracy.

They just need to stand up and shake themselves, like a horse shaking off the flies.

If they so choose, they could defeat the deep state cabal by tomorrow.

What we are going to tell you today may come as a surprise to many of you, but we still want you to see the true picture of what is happening on earth right now.

At the moment your planet is going through a period that is significant for it in all its forms.

the same is happening to humanity, which can be roughly divided into two categories: human beings as such, who are of divine origin, and biological beings of all kinds, who can be called intelligent, but who have a completely different origin and level of consciousness.

And since there are many more of the latter on earth, many of you have the impression of the hopelessness of the situation and your helplessness in it, seeing that these beings are not able to awaken and resist the last and most violent onslaught of the globalists.

But despite this imbalance, pure human souls are still setting the tone in this final battle between light and darkness, and they are doing so very successfully.

Surely many of you have noticed that the arsenal of the globalists is already depleted, and they are playing the same “plots” like a broken record, trying to intimidate the population of the earth with non-existent threats: be it another “deadly” virus, or far-fetched military threats and climate change, without any real basis.

And since you see that many “people” are still falling for these tricks, it seems to you that there is no end to it.

In fact, the end is already near, and this primarily affects all non-divine beings living on earth.

The energy component of your planet is now changing so rapidly that very soon only pure divine souls who have managed to raise their consciousness and subtle bodies to the level of the fourth dimension will be able to withstand it and adapt their physical and mental states to it.

All others will begin to leave your planet quite quickly through physical death, and you must be prepared for this.

This outcome is inevitable.

Just as a physically unprepared person cannot dive into great depths, so a spiritually unprepared person, and especially a being without a divine soul, cannot ascend to a high vibrational level.

You all have had the same chance and time to realise who and for what purpose is committing mad acts and inhuman experiments on human beings.

And we know that most of the pure and ancient souls who came to earth to share the unique experience of ascension with her, took that chance.

As for the rest, their fate is predetermined and nothing can be changed.

Therefore, be calm and wise about what is to come, and know that those who manage to make the transition will have a truly wonderful and happy life in the circle of a galactic family who sincerely loves you, who will support you effectively in all areas of your life, and who will help you to adapt to the new realities.

Representatives of the intergalactic confederation have spoken to you through marta.

For the record; our liberation can only be achieved if the mob wakes up and stands up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections.

All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

For, that the fiat money system collapses and the cabal becomes knights on foot.

Remember this, and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!

Share this with everyone you know!

The new age is finally here!

Gold is up and the cabal is down!

It is clear to see that governments are obsolete.

It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing.

Stay tuned daily for new developments.

Many may ask: when will the change come?

Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely!

There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses.

Spread the word!